

Business Hours

Mo-Fr: 9:00-18:00


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“UzChemPlastExpo 2019” in Uzbekistan

The ChemPromEngineering company took part in the 9th international specialized exhibition of the chemical industry, production and processing of plastics and polymers “UzChemPlastExpo 2019”, which was held from March 27 to 29 in the city of Tashkent at the Uzexpocenter NEC.

The exhibition has been held since 2010 in the following areas: “Chemical Industry”, “Production and Processing of Plastics and Rubbers”, “Laboratory and Analytics” and is an important event in the chemical and plastics industry of Uzbekistan.

International and domestic companies working in the field of production, processing, as well as technologies in the chemical and plastics industries were represented at UzChemPlastExpo 2019.

The stand of “ChemPromEngineering” attracted many visitors, which helped the company hold a number of meetings with representatives of enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan and establish business contacts for future joint work.

As part of the visit to Uzbekistan, the delegation of the KhimPromEngineering company visited a number of significant enterprises in the chemical industry market of the Republic.

Link to the event website: